Cideon Software Development

Customized solutions tailored to your processes: Cideon Software Development promises better planning and cost security in your everyday business. Benefit from our decades of experience in the CAD and PDM/PLM environment. We will be happy to advise you!

Customized Software Development for Your Success

Do you need special developments for your individual requirements? We are happy to support you with our development expertise. Our more than 25 years of experience in the CAD and PDM/PLM environment have resulted in a large number of software modules that are used in various customer-specific cases. Cideon offers you extensive add-ons, integrations and toolboxes for solutions from SAP, Autodesk, Dassault Systemes and PRO.FILE.

Use Cases for Software Development from Cideon

There are many use cases for customized software development. Which case applies to your company?

Increased Performance

With the help of individual software developments, you can optimize your engineering process and improve the quality of your work.

Expansion of the Functional Scope

Use individual software developments to expand the functional scope of your existing solutions.

Management of Information

Individual software developments help you structure data and information in your company and provide it at a central location.

Improving Collaboration

Individual software developments can improve internal and external communication and (global) collaboration.

Our Range of Services

Software development from Cideon helps you to optimize your processes, centralize information and improve collaboration. Find out more about our software development services:

Customized Solutions

Cideon develops customized software solutions according to your wishes. Benefit from our decades of experience, our technical know-how and our understanding of comprehensive functionality.

Special Application Scenarios

No matter which customized features your software project needs, Cideon will develop your solution. Thanks to our decades of experience in CAD and PDM/PLM, we can support you with solutions along the entire value chain.

Quality Assurance

We continuously review our software developments during the development process and of course pay attention to standards, for example in the area of data protection. Cideon also stands for carrying out strategic and operational system reviews in order to derive new solutions.

Sustainable and Extendible

Thanks to our extensive methodological and technical expertise, we realize your requirements with a focus on time, budget and quality - taking modularity and expandability into account if desired. We also support you after development and implementation with a comprehensive range of services.

Advantages of Cideon Software Developments

These are the advantages that make Cideon's software developments unique:

Planning Security

Improve your planning reliability in your day-to-day business with Cideon software through solutions implemented individually for you.

Investment Protection

Protect your investment with Cideon software developments using state-of-the-art modular development methods.

Competitive Advantage

Realize competitive advantages by securing a unique selling proposition with individual software applications.

Process Optimization

Save time by optimizing your processes - with customized software, you only use the functions you really need later.

Cost Efficiency

Use only the functions you really need with customized Cideon software solutions and save operating costs in the long term.


Respond to customer requirements easier and faster with Cideon software development and do not stop at the functional limits of standard software.

Ann-Kathrin Fritsche, Customer Success Manager

Get in Touch With us

You would like to know more about our products and solutions? Our Customer Success will be happy to help you.

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We will be happy to contact you when it best suits your schedule.

Cideon Toolboxes for Autodesk Software

Discover the advantages of the Cideon toolboxes, helpful extensions for the Autodesk Inventor and Vault programs. This allows you to use extended functionalities and work even more efficiently with your Autodesk software.

Cideon Inventor Toolbox

The Cideon Inventor Toolbox is the ultimate collection of valuable add-ons for Autodesk Inventor. Benefit as an engineer from more efficiency and improved quality in your daily use of Autodesk Inventor.

Cideon Vault Toolbox

The Cideon Vault Toolbox is a collection of useful extensions for Autodesk Vault Workgroup and Autodesk Vault Professional.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Spare Parts Sales?

Transform your spare parts sales with Cideon Sparify! Our innovative solution leverages your existing CAD and PDM data to create a digital spare parts catalog for your customers. Simplify the ordering process and increase customer satisfaction with our easy-to-use web application. Discover the advantages of Cideon Sparify today!

Cideon Conify


Software Solution for a Consistent Configuration Process

Cideon Conify consistently links data from the sales and engineering phases to automatically provide PDM-compliant MCAD and ECAD data of the configured product. This is the basis for the subsequent engineering-to-order and the creation of ERP-specific parts lists, work plans, circuit diagrams and production processes according to customer requirements, so that individual products can be created quickly and in accordance with specifications.

Main advantages:

  • Automate daily tasks when processing configurable products
  • Consistent data quality
  • Ensure uniform standards for everyone involved in the process
  • Combination in a mechatronic parts list

Cideon Conify is the ideal combination of CONnection and CONfiguration!


Cideon implementation: Holistic implementation of new solutions - perfectly integrated into your existing system landscape. You can rely on our decades of experience in implementing everything from product software to complex data management solutions, as well as on our proven cooperation with our system partners.

Cideon CAD Scanner

The Cideon CAD Scanner is an add-on for Autodesk AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor. It enables automated inspection and detection of deviations in 2D and 3D CAD documents in day-to-day business. Benefit from predefined testing criteria and the possibility of integration into your PDM/PLM process, as well as up-to-date reporting.

FAQ About Cideon Software Developments

Cideon offers a range of solutions and services designed to optimize the entire product life cycle along your value chain. Some of the solutions developed by Cideon include:

Deciding whether customized software is the best solution for your business requires careful consideration and analysis. Here are some steps you can take to determine if customized software is the right choice:

  • Analysis of requirements: Start by identifying the specific requirements of your company. What problems or needs do you have that could be solved by software? What goals and objectives do you want to achieve with the software?
  • Review existing solutions: First, check whether there are software solutions already available on the market that meet your requirements. This can include commercial software or open source products. Sometimes it is more cost-effective and faster to adapt existing software than to develop from scratch.
  • Development time: Consider the time it takes to develop customized software. It may take longer than implementing an existing product.

We are happy to help you define your requirements and either develop individual software solutions or integrate existing solutions into your existing infrastructure. Simply arrange a consultation with Cideon.

The process of custom software development involves the creation of software applications that are specifically tailored to the needs and requirements of a particular company, organization or individual. This process can vary depending on the specific requirements and goals, but typically includes the following steps:

  • Analysis of requirements
  • Conception and design
  • Development
  • Testing and quality assurance
  • Implementation
  • Training and documentation
  • Maintenance and support
  • Evaluation and improvement

Custom software development offers the advantage that the solution is tailored exactly to your needs, which often leads to more efficient workflows and better business results. However, it usually requires more time and resources than using standard software solutions, as the application is developed from scratch. We are happy to help you decide for or against customized software development.

Cideon can look back on decades of experience in the development of customized solutions. Particularly in the CAD and PDM/PLM environment, we have already developed a large number of standardized and individual software solutions. You can find some examples in our success stories.

The costs for individual software developments vary greatly and depend on a variety of factors, for example:

  • Scope and complexity of the project
  • Functions and requirements
  • Scalability
  • Selection of technology platforms and frameworks
  • Security and compliance
  • Testing and quality assurance
  • Maintenance and support

Since costs depend on numerous factors, it is difficult to give an exact estimate without having detailed information about the specific project. Please arrange a consultation with Cideon and we will discuss your individual requirements in detail. Our decades of experience have shown that careful planning and definition of requirements is crucial to avoid cost overruns and ensure a successful software project.

Cideon Events

Find out more about our solutions and services and talk directly to experts! Visit us at trade fairs, our partner events or register for our Cideon events. Use the opportunity to network in person or virtually, exchange ideas and discover the latest innovations in plant construction and machine building with us.



Cideon Support

Quality, speed, and reliability in engineering are critical to your success. Comprehensive services are just as important as dedicated specialists and powerful software solutions.

Cideon Support offers you fast and uncomplicated answers to your questions, detailed insights into products and solutions as well as helpful tips and tricks.

Go one step further with Managed Services: With this service, we monitor your CAD/PDM/PLM environment and ensure the long-term operational reliability of your software. This ensures that your systems are always up to date and ready for use, giving you the peace of mind that your software is consistently maintained and optimized.


Learn more about our products and services.