Process Consulting for Your Software and System Landscape

Discover the full potential of your software and systems through our process consulting services. We will be happy to support you in the successful implementation.

Cideon Process Consulting for CAD, PDM & PLM

Cideon Process Consulting focuses on the optimal interaction of employees, processes and the software used - throughout the entire product life cycle. Together we analyze, evaluate and optimize your current business processes in engineering as well as the communication between all stakeholders. Through our process consulting, you understand the challenges, derive possible potentials and decide together for more success. With our consulting for the implementation of new software and system solutions, you benefit from decades of experience.

Our Process Consulting Services

Understanding Potentials

Cross-departmental transparent corporate goals and processes are the basis for identifying potentials, which are evaluated and prioritized according to their economic impact. Together with you and your employees, we develop a common understanding for future processes.

Developing Solutions

Based on the greatest economic benefit to the company, we develop solutions and verify them with all those directly involved. In the end, the benefits and the investment result in a convincing return on investment forecast and a concrete time schedule.

Derive decisions

A jointly secured, detailed solution outline is available which includes the added values for increased competitiveness as well as a future-oriented system and process landscape. At the end of the Cideon process consulting you make the right decisions for future development.

Cideon Standardized Service Packages

In the area of process consulting, we offer two packages with which we can analyze your processes holistically together: Cideon Upspace and Cideon Discovery. We will be happy to advise you on which package is suitable for your individual requirements. The Cideon service products can be freely selected or combined with each other within the scope of our consulting, depending on your needs and the scope of the project. You already know which solution you would like to use and are interested in an implementation? Cideon also provides competent support in this area.

Overview of Our Service Packages

Cideon Discovery is our standardized and proven consulting methodology that supports your process requirements along the value chain, focusing on identifying your potential based on your current and future desired ways of working. We start with an as-is assessment, followed by a comprehensive analysis, and work with you to develop a long-term vision. We prepare this in such a way that it can be realized in your everyday work.

Cideon Solution Discovery

In day-to-day product development, engineering departments face a variety of challenges, from managing technological advances to ensuring quality and compliance. Cost pressures, global collaboration and the need for agile product cycles present additional hurdles.
The Cideon Solution Discovery Workshop offers a proven method to make engineering processes transparent, identify potentials and address optimization and digitalization in this environment.

Cideon Solution Discovery explained simply

Discover the Benefits of our Proven Best Practice Approaches in our Video!

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Cideon UpSpace

Together we make your visions "tangible" - experience a unique digitization workshop in our new and smartly designed Cideon UpSpace in Düsseldorf. The combination of process analysis and evaluation as well as the visit of our virtual customer via Virtual Reality, is unique. Take advantage of the opportunity to develop your digitization roadmap together with our experts.

Contact us for an appointment at the Cideon UpSpace.

Why Process Consulting with Cideon

Cideon, as a Platinum Partner of SAP and Autodesk, can look back on decades of experience in consulting and implementing PDM/PLM/CAD solutions. After a successful go-live, you can continue to rely on us for support. Cideon delivers competent consulting expertise for any of specific requirement:

Individual PLM Project Approach

Customer-focused, demand-driven project approaches and deployment methodologies (agile, blueprint, fixed price, etc.).

Years of Consulting Expertise

Many years of consulting expertise and in-depth process knowledge from a large number of internationally successful SAP PLM projects.

Secured Product Development

Close cooperation with product development and support for high-performance products and services in line with current market requirements as well as investment protection. 

Increasing Engineering Performance

Utilize the power of your engineering software and integrate it seamlessly into your engineering process.

Optimized Product Development

Extensive services for fast and targeted design processes, geared to core product development tasks.

360 Degree Support

360-degree support in selecting, implementing and using appropriate CAD software from Autodesk, as well as for handling data generated in the design process (PDM).

Optimize Your Spare Parts Management

Ensuring a reliable supply of the right spare parts is crucial for success in the machine building and plant construction industry. Discover how Cideon can help you establish an efficient spare parts management system, optimizing your inventory, reducing downtime, and keeping your operations running smoothly. Learn more about our expert solutions for spare parts management today!

Daniel Pasing, Customer Success Manager

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We will be happy to contact you when it best suits your schedule.

Our Focus in Process Consulting

FAQ about Cideon Process Consulting

Cideon has extensive experience in process optimization and digitization, especially in engineering areas. We have successfully implemented numerous projects in various industries and have an experienced team of experts at our disposal.

Cideon's process consulting is highly customized. It begins with a thorough analysis of a company's individual requirements and challenges. Based on this, a specific consulting approach is developed that achieves the best possible results.

The results of process consulting can be diverse and depend on the client's individual goals and challenges. These often include increased efficiency, cost savings, improved product quality and faster time to market. These results are clearly defined and made measurable.

Cideon has successfully consulted in a wide range of industries, including mechanical engineering, plant engineering, automotive, construction and more. Our expertise spans various engineering fields and enables us to offer customized solutions for different industries. You can find some examples in our reference reports.

The consulting process with Cideon comprises several phases, starting with a comprehensive analysis of the existing processes. Based on this, specific recommendations are developed and implemented in close cooperation with the customer. The time frame varies depending on the scope and complexity of the project, but is always communicated transparently.

Process consulting:

Goal: Process consulting focuses on analyzing, evaluating and improving existing processes in the company. The aim is to establish more efficient processes and identify possible bottlenecks or inefficient working methods.

Procedure: This often involves conducting workshops, interviews and analyses to develop a comprehensive understanding of current processes. Recommendations for optimization are then made based on these findings.

Example: In terms of Cideon, this could mean analyzing a company's existing PDM/PLM processes to determine how they can be made more efficient. Recommendations could be made for the use of specific Cideon tools or adjustments to workflows.



Goal: Implementation focuses on putting the recommended improvements into practice. This may mean installing new software solutions, adapting or extending existing systems, and ensuring that the new processes are used effectively.

Procedure: This may involve installing and configuring Cideon software solutions, but also training staff to ensure they can use the new tools effectively.

Example: Following the process consultation, we could implement the recommended changes by deploying and configuring the necessary software components and ensuring that employees are trained to use the new workflows effectively.


To summarize: Process consulting focuses on analyzing and optimizing the existing workflows, while implementation aims to implement the suggested improvements, whether by deploying and configuring software or by training employees.

Cideon Consulting⁺

Good service – without any compromises!

Unleash your maximum potential in your daily work with your CAD and PDM systems with our consulting and service subscription. The complete service package offers you permanent and proactive expert support, a flat rate for our standardized software training courses (in the german language), consulting, installation, customer care and much more – all included in a fixed price.

Collaboration - Optimal Cooperation Along The Entire Product Life Cycle

Ensure that all employees and also external stakeholders can access up-to-date and correct information. With fast and reliable document exchange and efficient management of projects, you can significantly optimize your processes and increase efficiency. 

Learn more about optimized collaboration in mechanical and plant engineering.


Cideon Implementation: Holistic implementation of new solutions - precisely integrated into your prevailing system landscape. Rely on our decades of experience in the implementation of product software up to complex data management solutions as well as on our proven cooperation with our system partners.

Software Development

Cideon Software Development realizes your required special solution for every individual application. 

Cideon Event Overview

Register now for the next Cideon Solution Days

Cideon Solution Days 2025 | 03 - 04 June 2025


Discover the most important developments and solutions with which you can further optimise your added value - along the entire product life cycle. Save your spot for our next Solution Days right now and you will be informed directly as soon as registration for our event is open.

CIDEON Online Forum

Our Online Forum gave you the opportunity to join us virtually in discovering new potential for greater efficiency and to share ideas with participants in an interactive chat area.

On six exciting sessions over three days, we gained insight into the different development phases of a technical product. From a customer perspective and across the entire value chain, we show you potential for greater efficiency along the entire product lifecycle.

Cideon Support

Quality, speed, and reliability in engineering are critical to your success. Comprehensive services are just as important as dedicated specialists and powerful software solutions.

Cideon Support offers you fast and uncomplicated answers to your questions, detailed insights into products and solutions as well as helpful tips and tricks.

Go one step further with Managed Services: With this service, we monitor your CAD/PDM/PLM environment and ensure the long-term operational reliability of your software. This ensures that your systems are always up to date and ready for use, giving you the peace of mind that your software is consistently maintained and optimized.


Learn more about our products and services.